Олена Хірса

Олена Хірса

Допоможу розпочати карʼєру в L&D, підвищити ефективність навчальних програм в компанії, впровадити Agile-цінності та побудувати чіткі та зрозумілі процеси в команді.
Моя основна експертиза
Як побудувати ефективні процеси персонального та корпоративного навчання
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100% вартості відео-відповіді буде перераховано у благодійну чи волонтерську організацію
Карʼєрна консультація | 50 хв
Допоможу скласти план розвитку, визначитися з тим, як будувати стосунки та роботу в команді, перейти на наступну карʼєрну сходинку.
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100% вартості дзвінка буде перераховано у благодійну чи волонтерську організацію
Консультація з L&D напряму | 50 хв
Проведемо аналіз навчальних програм у вашій компанії, проконсультую щодо підвищення ефективності навчання та організації роботи команди, відповідальної за розробку навчання.
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100% вартості дзвінка буде перераховано у благодійну чи волонтерську організацію
Менторський пакет
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Основна експертиза
Як побудувати ефективні процеси персонального та корпоративного навчання
Додаткова експертиза
Як провести аналіз навчальних потреб в компанії
Додаткова експертиза
Як розпочати з нуля або перейти у кар’єру L&D Manager, Instructional Designer
Додаткова експертиза
Ревʼю е-learning курсів
Додаткова експертиза
Як лідеру давати та отримувати фідбек
Додаткова експертиза
Переходжу або планую переходити у роль лідера – як організовувати роботу команди?
Додаткова експертиза
Переходжу у роль лідера команди з ролі виконавця – що змінити у підходах до роботи?
Додаткова експертиза
Чи підходить вам обрана кар'єра?
Додаткова експертиза
Як бути лідером в компанії, навіть якщо ви не менеджер
Додаткова експертиза
Як ефективно проводити зустрічі
Додаткова експертиза
Як використовувати LinkedIn для побудови персонального бренду
Додаткова експертиза
Що робити, якщо команда чинить опір та саботує зміни
Додаткова експертиза
Як ефективно комунікувати та взаємодіяти із командою на full remote
face covered with palms
Не звертайтесь до експерта з цим запитом
Не хочу пояснювати як користуватися інструментами розробки курсів або допомагати з вибором LMS
Фінанси та інвестиції
Ревʼю, фідбек, аудити
Війна / криза / зміни
Стартап 2.0 та бізнес
Стартап з нуля
Експерт допоміг мені також з іншими викликами, хочу розповісти про це
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Я отримую задоволення коли бачу круті результати своїх менті, допомагаю їм адаптуватися до змін зовнішнього середовища, через розвиток необхідних для цього навичок. Також, подобається трансформувати відношення до корпоративного навчання та e-learning. Так, навчання - це також продукт. Так, воно може бути цікавим та ефективним одночасно. Так, я можу з цим допомогти 😊
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Компанії, яким пощастило 



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Акредитований ICANN доменний реєстратор та хостингова компанія, що базується у Фініксі, штат Аризона.
A global digital transformation tech company.
Банк, що входить до десятки найбільших банків України.



Olena's approach to instructional design is nothing short of groundbreaking.
It has been my privilege to work alongside Olena for the past few years, during which time I have witnessed firsthand her exceptional talents as both an Instructional Designer and a team leader. Olena's approach to instructional design is nothing short of groundbreaking. Her innovative visual strategies and user experience designs consistently set new standards for excellence. She fearlessly explores new ideas and formats, always striving to enhance the learning experience for our users. In her role as an ID Lead/Manager, Olena exceled in providing clear, detailed feedback that emphasized functionality, clarity, and visual appeal. Her meticulous attention to these aspects ensured not only the satisfaction of stakeholders but also the delight of our end users. One of Olena's greatest strengths is her ability to manage projects efficiently and effectively. At Namecheap, she expertly juggled multiple tasks, prioritizing them with precision and ensuring that each team member had opportunities to grow and excel in their craft. Under her guidance, our team flourished and became able to tackle diverse content formats and challenges. Olena's organizational prowess is matched only by her dedication to fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment. She consistently champions her team members, encouraging them to showcase their talents and providing them with opportunities to shine on a global stage. In addition to her professional accomplishments, Olena's warmth and positivity never fail to brighten our workplace. Her genuine kindness, openness, and willingness to offer praise create a culture of camaraderie and mutual respect. Olena, it has been an absolute pleasure to work with you, and I have no doubt that the future will bring you the level of success and admiration you deserve. You are a true innovator and leader, and I am excited to see where your journey takes you next. Never lose that infectious smile! 😊
Diana Reis
Lead Instructional Designer at Namecheap, Inc
Olena is an exceptional digital learning professional
She has a deep understanding of digital learning tools and technologies and is always eager to explore and implement new and innovative approaches to enhance the learning experience. Her expertise in this area has been instrumental in developing and delivering high-quality digital learning programs that have received positive feedback. Furthermore, Olena has a talent for curriculum development. She has a keen understanding of instructional design principles and is able to create engaging and effective learning materials that meet the needs of diverse learners. In addition to her digital learning skills, Olena is an excellent project manager. She is highly organized, detail-oriented, and has a knack for keeping projects on track and within scope. Her ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously while maintaining a high level of quality is truly impressive. She has a strong ability to build and maintain relationships with key stakeholders and is skilled at managing their expectations and needs. She demonstrates strong leadership skills, leading by example and being always willing to go above and beyond to support her team. Her positive attitude, effective communication, and ability to motivate and inspire others have been key to the success of her team. She is skilled in cross-cultural remote team management with experience working with teams from different cultural backgrounds. Olena is an outstanding professional with a diverse skill set and a strong commitment to excellence. I am confident that she will continue to achieve great things in her career and I wholeheartedly recommend her for any role that requires expertise in digital learning, project management, leadership, curriculum development, learning technologies, cross-cultural remote team management, and stakeholder management.
Helena Gomes
Head of Learning and Development
Olena is an exceptional leader and an attentive manager
I had the pleasure of working with Olena Khirsa for a bit more than 1.5 years, and during this time, I've grown both professionally and personally. Her mentorship and guidance helped me see my potential, gain the necessary skills and confidence, and shed some light on the areas of development, as well as what interests me. During our collaboration, I went from an entry-level to a confident Instructional Designer. Olena never failed to see what I'm good at and what I struggle with and helped me go in the right direction to strengthen my skills. Her management style is personalized and tailored to the needs of employees as well as the business. I always felt supported and could ask as many questions as I needed to understand better how my own goals align with the company wide strategies. Olena is an exceptional leader and an attentive manager. She takes pride in what she does and creates a safe space for her teammates to showcase their skills, try new things, and set tangible goals. She cultivated a team culture that acknowledges and endorses each individual's strengths while ensuring a well-rounded skill set to complement one another. Olena's unique innovative vision elevated the content created by the team and opened new creative opportunities. I value her perspective a lot and will definetely miss her input. Olena's feedback helped improve the results of my work as well as my overall understanding of the best practices and the impact of what I create on the business and learners. I highly recommend Olena Khirsa to anyone who wants to transform and improve the learning experience for their users. Her commitment to innovation, passion for engaging learning, and care for her team are truly unmatched!
Varya Hanshyna
Instructional Design and eLearning Development
I highly recommend Olena for her expertise in instructional design and her supportive leadership
Olena excels in creating high-quality learning materials and effectively manages stakeholders to ensure each project meets both learner and business objectives. As a manager, Olena leads with openness and attentiveness, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment where every team member feels valued and empowered to contribute their best work. Her skill in streamlining course development processes while maintaining high stakeholder satisfaction showcases her commitment to an agile approach, ensuring efficiency and quality throughout the project lifecycle. I highly recommend Olena for her expertise in instructional design and her supportive leadership.
Kelsie S.
Instructional Design | eLearning Development
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