Такого б я не знайшов у відкритому доступі
Було дуже цікаво поспілкуватись зі спеціалістом, який вже пройшов шлях, по якому я зараз рухаюсь. Окрема подяка за корисні поради для підготовки та співбесід в компанії Генезис - такого б я не знайшов у відкритому доступі)

Юрій Федорченко
Anti-Fraud Analyst
Konstantin is capable of solving various business problems
According to my knowledge, Konstantin is clearly in the top 10% of product analysts on the market.
He was part of my team in Letyshops for more than one year. During that time, he proved himself to be capable of solving various business problems and answering business questions that lead to the right decisions. He has a good combination of an analytical mindset, statistical techniques, and an ability to those to the business context. Konstantin would be a good boost to your analytics team, or if you don't have an analytics team yeat, he may start it for you!
Anatoliy Vuets
Head of Analytics
Konstantin has a strong mathematical background, very strong analytical skills, and the ability to express ideas clearly
Worked with Konstantin Radchenko at RIA.com for more than 1 year.
There I worked as a Front End developer and Konstantin at the position of Junior Project Manager. He showed himself as a very good manager, who coped with the tasks assigned to him 100% of the time. In particular, this is the organization of the work of the development team, the search for truly valid approaches and solutions to problems, both from the technical side and the side of management.
During this year of work with Konstantin, he greatly increased his skills and abilities, which was proved many times by the trust of the team and the company's management. He was entrusted with all the work of the project manager with whom he cope perfectly well!
If briefly describe Konstantin skills, it will be: a strong sense of responsibility; very strong analytical skills; sociability; ability to solve problems in stressful situations; strong mathematics background; ability to express ideas clearly.
Therefore, I recommend Konstantin Radchenko, without hesitation, as a candidate to work with.
Sergey Belous
Web Developer
Kostiantyn has great technical skill in a field of physics and engineering
His mathematical and physics knowledge allows him to perform development and prototyping of optical devices on the highest level. Kostiantyn is an open-minded person who is interesting in science and technologies and that's why he is very innovative. Kostiantyn can express his thoughts clearly and laconically, that was demonstrated many times in his publications. He presented results of his work on many conferences, including international, because he has good presentation skills. During our collaboration in a scope of some educative projects, I understood that Konstiantyn is a self-organized person with great planning and management skills, that were, as a result, widely used in his further work as a project manager.
I recommend Kostiantyn as a great professional.
Dmytro Lisovyk
Senior Backend Engineer
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Олег Зевейович
Fictional Product Designer у TheWays