Alina helped me refine my elevator pitch, providing practical exercises and invaluable feedback that boosted my confidence and effectiveness
I am delighted to recommend Alina Paduka for her outstanding support and mentorship. Alina helped me refine my elevator pitch, providing practical exercises and invaluable feedback that boosted my confidence and effectiveness. She taught me how to swiftly identify relevant job positions that match my experience, saving me time and effort in my job search. Additionally, Alina provided supplementary materials that further enhanced my understanding and skills. Her professional and friendly approach made the entire process enjoyable and highly productive. I highly recommend Alina to anyone seeking expert guidance in their career journey.
Viktoriia Lutsko
Business Analyst
I wholeheartedly recommend Alina for any professional opportunities
I am delighted to recommend Alina Paduka as a mentor and professional. Alina was my mentor in the "Будь" project, where she provided advice on transitioning to a new field, job search strategies, and professional development.
Alina possesses expertise in career consulting and has a strategic vision for successfully navigating career changes and professional development. She offers practical advice, recommendations, and personalized support.

Nataliia Plaksii
Project Manager
If you are looking for a career helper or mentor, I recommend Alina Paduka
As a mentee of program BE I had a session with Alina. She gave me practical tips and advice on improving my knowledge of HR.
How to upgrade and develop my LinkedIn profile. How to be more confident during the interview She has unique soft skills in communication with people. She can easily clarify the information for your understanding and help you with your CV. If you are looking for a career helper or mentor, I recommend Alina Paduka as a mentor and good advisor in your career development direction.

Olesia Zaitseva
HR Specialist/ IT Recruiter/ Talent Sourcer
I would highly recommend her as an excellent mentor who can really encourage you and truly help you to achieve your goals
I would like to share my experience of having mentor session with Alina Paduka.
Alina appeared highly professional mentor who gave me the richest bunch of useful advices. All those advices were practical and valuable.
During our meeting we discussed how to improve my CV and LinkedIn profile.
Alina helped me to develop career growth strategy, showing and explaining me step by step what should be done, why it should be done and what results I can expect after implementing these actions. Being a novice in recruitment area I was very lucky to meet such experienced guide and mentor. Alina was very open-minded and friendly, dived deeply into my situation and was doing her best to assist me in making my very first steps in this new area. Moreover, after the session she sent me very detailed strategy of my career development and various useful resources on how to create CV, LinkedIn profile, how to write letter of motivation and how and where to search for good job proposal.
Alina is very charismatic, motivating and inspiring personality.

Nataliia Tofan
HR/L&D | IT Recruiter
I highly recommend Alina Paduka to anyone seeking guidance and support in their career journey
I want to express my sincere gratitude to Alina Paduka for the incredible support and mentorship!🌞 Thanks to your valuable advice and professional approach, I was able to create a strong CV and cover letter that truly make me stand out among other candidates. Your recommendations on managing my LinkedIn profile were extremely helpful and have greatly improved my professional presence.
You are truly an amazing mentor, Alina! Thank you for your assistance and support at every step of this process and beyond.

Olena Kaliuzhna
UI/UX Designer | Product designer
Аліна природній оратор☺️
Аліна - це знахідка для тих, хто хоче прокачати свої рекрутерські скіли та загалом зміцнити свої знання про емоційний інтелект, софт скіли та навіть психологію!🔥
В ролі ментора вона дуже класно знаходить індивідуальний підхід, якісно розробляє план навчання і підбирає такі інтерактиви, які будуть цікаві кожному! Це не просто начитка якогось матеріалу з купою води, це - структурований діалог з коментарями, спрямованими на аналіз та покращення різних моментів. Також, Аліна природній оратор☺️ Ну її дійсно цікаво слухати, не хочеться перебивати. Особисто я навіть в телефон не дивлюсь, бо мені цікавіше на менторській! Також весь матеріал підібраний дуже ретельно, і фактом є те, що я вже після першого заняття почала його практикувати в житті та роботі. Бо під-час менторської програми, ми зачіпаємо не лише технічну складову, але й розбираємо багато кейсів, обговорюємо всі можливі варіанти розвитку подій та проблеми\наслідки кожної гілки. В підсумку можу сказати, що Аліна - це скарб... Скарб, який може і вміє ділитись своїми знаннями і спрямовувати їх в правильне русло! Загалом дуже дуже дуже рекомендую!❤️
Anastasiya Sysyn
Recruiter at inVerita🇺🇦
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